Thunderbird Theme of the Week

Thunderbird Theme of the Week

The Thunderbird Theme of the week is a weekly installment where MCC athletics shares insightful, motivational, and inspirational videos from athletes, entrepreneurs, and public figures. These are meant to show that no matter your situation or obstacles, with strong character traits and dedication, anything is possible.

Welcome the challenges of life...(Kurt Warner)

"Your greatest weaknesses can become your greatest strengths." - Kurt Warner

Don't let blame or praise alter who you are...(Caitlin Clark)

"Everyone loves the praise, but that's the reason the blame hurts you so bad..." - Caitlin Clark

Don't set limits on your ability to succeed...(Hilary Swank)

Goals and dreams can be as big as you want them to be, don't let uncontrollable factors in life deter you from reaching your true capabilities.

Dream big, set goals, take risks...(Denzel Washington)

Dream BIG, selling yourself short and staying in your comfort zone only destroys the person you could've been.

Leaders lead by setting the example...(Pele)

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” - Pele

Failure is just a stepping stone...(Giannis Antetokounmpo)

 "There's no failure in sports, there's good days, bad days, some days you're able to be successful some days you're not. Some days it's your turn some days its not your turn, and that's what sports is about." - Giannis Antetokounmpo

No obstacle can keep you from your dream...(Amanda Cunha)

Life will throw countless wrinkles at you throughout your time. Through the thick and thin your passions and dreams will never leave you and will power you through your darkest of times.

I have a Dream...(Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.)

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." - Dr. King

Turn your idea into reality...(Lori Grenier)

In every invention is a dream, and in every dream is a chance for an individual to chase success and fulfillment beyond their wildest dreams.

Confidence is key...(Derek Jeter)

"Everytime I was in situations I thought I was going to be successful, and I believed that." - Derek Jeter

Put in the work...(Troy Aikman)

Those long hard hours in the gym, behind the computer, or on the road will all lead you to accomplishing your goals in the end.

I will rise...(Serena Williams)

Life is not easy, but it's the trials and turbulence that make a person stronger than they ever thought they could be. Rock bottom is just a place, it's not your destiny.

Don't let fear shape you into the person you're not supposed to be...(Kobe Bryant)

Overcoming fears can transform you into someone you never thought you could be. Pushing yourself past the limits of comfort into the unknown walks of life can take your expectations for yourself and burst them through the roof into a new life you might not have thought you could aspire to.

Have a vision to succeed...(Arnold Schwarzenegger)

When you have a vision and a path to life, putting in the hard work will not be a chore any longer, but a stepping stone to reach your goal.

Get to work even on the days you don't want to...(Michael Phelps)

“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” - Michael Phelps

Don't live with hate in your heart...(Nelson Mandela)

Mandela taught us that being humble in life is one of the most important characteristics of leaders and people who make dramatic change in the world. 

Enjoy the journey...(John Havlicek)

Through all the ups and downs of the journey, no matter where the end of the road may take you, dont forget to take a moment to look around and not only appreciate the progress you made, but all the memories you made along the way.

Be the leader everyone will look up to...(Willis Reed)

Leaders, whether on a sports team, in the workplace, or even in someone's everyday life, have the impact to change the trajectory of history. Never doubt your importance and role as a leader in the lives of others.

Effort can make a world of difference...(Ray Lewis)

Effort is one of the few things that everyone possesses that is able to put you above the rest. Not everyone is born with talent to see the floor like Steve Nash, or the skill to toss a football like Patrick Mahomes. 

Work like someone is trying to take everything away from you...(Mark Cuban)

Leaders don't look backwards to condemn what has already been done; they look forward to create a better future.

Define your own Success...(John Wooden)

Success is peace of mind, obtained only through self satisfaction and knowing you made the effort to do the best in which you are capable of and you're the only one that will know that.

Live with Passion...(Pat Tillman)

Passion is an important word to me, whether it's playing sports or living or whatever it is you're going to do. You should be passionate about it or else why do it?

Earn it...(Tom Brady)

Life is never easy. Those who succeed usually have similar traits to them that help them obtain the goals they set for themselves. Achieving those goals can seem daunting and even impossible at times. However, when you do reach your goals and earn the prosperities of hitting that mark, the satisfaction can fill you with joy and pride to last a lifetime.

Dont' Forget your Why...(David Robinson)

Through all the success and struggle it’s easy to forget what put you in that position in the first place and that is okay, however the one thing you can’t forget about, is your why…

Don't lose your humanity (Bill Russell)

At the end of the day we are all one. No matter your ethnicity, religion, or background we all share a commonality of being human. We all make mistakes, grieve, become vulnerable, and sometimes just need a helping hand.

Break your limits...(Mike Krzyzewski - Coach K)

Being able to change yourself for the better will not happen overnight. It is a long dedicated process that requires hard work, discipline, and pushing yourself. 

Being able to help yourself grow once you reach your limits is also very important, setting yourself up for a goal is great, but once you reach that goal you must evaluate and reestablish a new one in order to continue on the process to improve yourself.

Failure is not the end of the road...(Pat Summit)

Failure can be a deflating thing, whether it's missing a game winning shot, getting a 0 on a test you studied for hours for, or just not living up to your own expectations. Failure, though it can be a mental hurdle to overcome is the reason so many people are successful in life.

Serving others...(Jackie Joyner Kersee)

In our crazy world we live in, at times everyone is too wrapped up in their own lives and neglect seeing and helping those in need. Those who need our help are not below anyone, regardless of the path they might've taken to get to the position they're in. They are still people who might just need a helping hand now and again.

Preparedness, Practice, and Execution...(Damar Hamlin/Buffalo Bills training staff)

Damar Hamiln of the Buffalo Bills suffered a traumatic injury that without the intervention of the Bills training staff may have ended his life. Through the hard work, execution, and prepardness of the training staff Hamlin's life was spared.

 Don't be afraid to make the call...(Steve Jobs)

Many people in life have goals, dreams and aspirations they aspire to reach but don't know where to begin to reach them. Some may talk themselves out of it just due to the simple fact that they're too afraid to pick up the phone and make the call.