This portion of Professional Development provides assistance and revision to all student-athletes who are looking to improve their resume and cover letters. Templates for resume and cover letter building are available for those in need. Resume and cover letter techniques is offered by appointment to individuals.



The info-sessions are provided on certain dates/times and are optional for individuals to attend. The following topics are covered over the span of the semester: “How to Dress Professionally”, “Money Matters”, “Time Management”, and “Stress and Anxiety”. The info-sessions can also be scheduled by coaches as a presentation to individual teams.



A mock interview, also known as a practice interview, is a simulation of an actual job interview. It provides job seekers with an opportunity to practice for an interview and receive feedback on their interviewing skills. A mock interview helps you learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve your communication skills, and reduce your stress before an actual job interview. Mock interviews are offered by appointment to individuals who are interested.